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How to eat spirulina? How to eat spirulina tablets?
How to eat spirulina? How to eat spirulina tablets?

How to eat spirulina tablets

First of all, the water temperature of spirulina should not be too high, and the maximum water temperature should not exceed 40 °C. Spirulina is a nutritious and balanced nutritious health food. If the temperature is too high, it is easy to avoid the loss of nutrients.

Second, the number of spirulina consumed is not strictly required. Spirulina is not a drug, there is no dose limit, once, twice, or three times a day. If it is health care once a day. If the amount of disease conditioning is more, you can take 2-3 times if you can't eat it at one time. If you want to lose weight, you should eat it before each meal. Time and dose are completely flexible.

Third, the time of administration of spirulina.

If you want to lose weight, take it 30 minutes to 1 hour before meals. If you take it after taking it or taking it before going to bed, it will become fattening. In other cases, there is no time requirement.

In fact, one thing that must be said to everyone is that spirulina is not a medicine, it is a health care product, so the requirements are not as strict as drugs.

How to eat spirulina? How to eat spirulina tablets?

The benefits of eating spirulina

Spirulina has a positive effect on lowering cholesterol and blood lipids, anti-cancer, weight loss, stomach and stomach protection, treatment of anemia and trace element deficiency, liver protection, immune enhancement, and adjustment of metabolic functions.

Lose weight

Popular in Europe and America, the method is to take a few grams before 30 minutes or 1 hour before eating, to supplement nutrition and reduce calorie intake, in order to achieve weight loss goals.

2. Beauty effect

It has a cosmetic anti-aging effect, adjusts autonomic disorders, removes acne, chloasma, and rough skin caused by makeup.

3. Diabetes

Spirulina has a high content of chlorophyll, rich in plant protein, plus B1, B2 pantothenic acid and zinc. Spirulina lowers blood sugar, eliminates fatigue and enhances the magical effect of physical fitness.

4. High blood pressure, heart disease

Spirulina can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body, which can reduce the symptoms of hypertension and heart disease or reduce the incidence of disease.

5. Stomach disease

Most patients with stomach disease have too much stomach acid, which is acidic stomach, leading to gastritis, gastric ulcer, etc., while spirulina is an alkaline food, plus nutrients, has obvious effects on stomach symptoms.

6. Anemia

Spirulina is rich in iron and chlorophyll, which has a significant effect on anemia.

7. Liver disease

Spirulina provides high protein and high vitamins to patients with liver disease, which can improve and improve the disease.

8. [Kidney disease]: Many metals and drugs have a toxic effect on the kidneys. Spirulina can eliminate the toxins caused by mercury and drugs and protect them.

9. Rheumatism

Unsaturated fatty acids contained in spirulina, GLA is helpful for rheumatoid arthritis.

10, malnutrition

Spirulina provides the body with rich vitamins and minerals to solve malnutrition problems, especially for babies.

11. Cancer

Spirulina is rich in carotenoids, which inhibit various cancers, including lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer and uterine cancer. Regular intake of adequate amounts of spirulina is considered an anti-cancer diet


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